Konrad Technologies Announces Supplier Partnership with dataTec

RADOLFZELL, Germany – August 1, 2022 - Konrad Technologies (KT) announces partnership with dataTec AG as a supplier of modular measurement equipment to customers in the Germany, Austria, and Switzerland region.
Modular Measurement Technology
The dataTec product portfolio has expanded to offer the scalable PXIe test platform ABex and the PXIe/Abex-based test system LEON developed by Konrad Technologies.
The products offered include terminal modules that cater to a wide range of standard PXI measuring devices. These modules utilize the KT-ABex system, a modular system architecture widely employed in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, telecommunications, medical technology, and electronics manufacturing. By using terminal modules, measurement and stimulus signals can be seamlessly switched across different cards. The KT-ABex test platform finds extensive application in production, specifically for functional tests and in-circuit tests. The primary objective is to enhance productivity and reduce the time between testing and market release.

With the portfolio expansion, dataTec complements the products of the manufacturer NI (formerly National Instruments).
The range of PXI instruments supported includes NI digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators, and multifunction DAQ cards. The measurement points of the Device Under Test (DUT) can be connected to the appropriate PXI measuring devices using switching matrices, eliminating the need for traditional cable connections.
Konrad Technologies product page on dataTec AG supplier website: https://www.datatec.eu/konrad
Press Release by dataTec AG
New supplier at dataTec: Konrad Technologies https://unternehmen.datatec.eu/news/detail/konrad-technologies
Konrad Technologies is the provider of value added, platform based automated test solutions used to solve the world´s most complex engineering challenges for design validation test and manufacturing to production test. Successfully deployed solutions include integrated and standalone test applications for custom devices and camera, radar, and lidar sensors in the semi-conductor, consumer electronics and automotive markets.
dataTec AG
Die dataTec AG ist Deutschlands größter Fachdistributor für Mess- und Prüftechnik. Seit 2018 verfolgt dataTec die europäische Ausweitung der Vertriebsaktivitäten und ist derzeit in Spanien, Schweiz, Österreich sowie in den nordischen Ländern Schweden, Estland und Finnland aktiv. Das breite Produktportfolio von über 50 Herstellern umfasst unter anderem Netzgeräte, Oszilloskope, Modulare Messtechnik, Testsysteme, Prüfgeräte und Wärmebildkameras. Mit über 120 Mitarbeitenden berät die schwäbische Familien AG dataTec von ihrem Stammsitz in Reutlingen aus Kunden verschiedenster Branchen und Bereiche – von Industrieunternehmen über Behörden bis hin zu Bildungseinrichtungen.
About NI
At NI, we bring together the people, ideas and technology so forward thinkers and creative problem solvers can take on humanity’s biggest challenges. From data and automation to research and validation, we provide the tailored, software-connected systems engineers and enterprises need to Engineer Ambitiously™ every day.