of Concept

Along with fast passed technological advancements, we understand how common it is to implement a complex project with unanswered questions. Let our experienced engineers support your projects by getting clarity on the best techniques for your specific use case. This approach is sure to free your internal research and development resources and greatly improve productivity and efficiency.  

Get in touch
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Pioneering Research and Collaboration for Innovative Solutions

Feasibility studies are possible for a variety of technologies and tasks according to your unique project and business goals. This approach offers the necessary research and realization of unresolved questions to date.

Research and invention of completely new solutions plays an essential role in our fields of expertise.

In our over 30 years of experience in the test and automation industry, collaboration from the early stages of product development is highly successful for our customers.  

Konrad Technologies Proof of Concept Image
Konrad Technologies Avionics Equipment Universal Test System

Professional Consulting Services for Electronic Product Development and Testing

Based on your requirements, we provide professional assistance on a consulting basis in the following areas:

Electronic Product Development
Product Design for Testability
Test Specification Development and/or Improvement
Proof of Concept Studies and Execution
Standard Test System Development
Validation Test System Development 


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We provide a domain expertise in electronics enabling us to assist clients with product R&D
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Our team has key know-how in all major fields of testing
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We are an international company with local R&D resources in Europe, Americas and Asia
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We take over the test so you can focus on bringing the product to market
Let's talk about
your project!

Let us know what you're working on and how we can help you get there through our long term experience in large high tech projects.

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