Automation & Testing as a Turnkey Solution

Optimize your business processes with Konrad Technologies' comprehensive automation and testing solutions designed to increase your efficiency and reduce costs. Using state-of-the-art technology, we offer customized, scalable solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure, ensuring flawless operations and fast ROI. Discover how our turnkey approach can transform your operations and drive your business forward.

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Konrad Technologies Automation Solution

Why Konrad?

Complete Service Handled In-house

Our turnkey solutions include a comprehensive range of in-house services that ensure unparalleled control and quality at every stage of the project. From initial planning and manufacturing to assembly, test development, commissioning and worldwide service - all aspects are handled in-house.

Modularity and Standardization

Our solutions are based on a modular framework with standardized cells, test systems and interfaces. This modularity allows for easy scaling and customization to meet the specific needs of your business without compromising speed and quality of implementation. The automation of test procedures further ensures that our systems are both future-proof and compliant with industry standards.

Innovative Test Technologies

Our solutions integrate a diverse range of test technologies to meet various industry requirements. Whether in-circuit testing (ICT), functional circuit testing (FCT), end-of-line (EOL) testing or specialized assessments using temperature, RF, optical or radar technologies, we equip your operations with the right tools to ensure comprehensive and accurate testing.

Maßgeschneiderte Produktionslösungen


Unser Projektmanagement gewährleistet höchste Qualität und Einhaltung des Zeitplans. Wir überwachen den Projektfortschritt, stimmen uns eng mit den Kunden ab und setzen erfahrene Mitarbeiter ein, die Kundenbedürfnisse erfassen und verfolgen. Unsere internationale Projekterfahrung sichert den Erfolg.

Supply Chain Icon


Wir bieten Lösungen für Materialzuführungen, Magazinierer, Tray Loader, Verpacken und Zuführung von Komponenten. Unsere Fördertechnik gewährleistet effizientes Be- und Entladen in der gesamten Supply Chain.


Unsere Lösungen umfassen Fügen, Schrauben, Schweißen, Fetten, Dispensen/Kleben, Gapfiller, Reinigen und Handling. Wir integrieren Robotik und kameragestützte Montage für höchste Präzision und Effizienz.


Unsere Lösungen umfassen Laserbeschriften, Labelaufbringung und Beschriften mit Technologien wie Tintenstrahl und Nagler. Präzise und zuverlässige Kennzeichnung für jede Anforderung.


Wir bieten umfassende Testlösungen wie ICT, FCT, FKT, BSCAN und EOL. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen auch Temperaturtests, Flashen, RF-Tests, optische Tests und Radartests. Präzise und zuverlässige Qualitätssicherung für Ihre Produkte.

Data Icon

Datenhandling & Linienmanagement

Unsere Lösungen umfassen Traceability, Anbindung an Shopfloor-Systeme und BDE-Datensysteme. Wir bieten effiziente Fehlteilehandhabung und nahtlose Kommunikation zu Datenbanken für ein optimales Linienmanagement.

Global Icon

Weltweiter Service

Wir bieten mehrsprachigen Support und arbeiten mit globalen Filialen und Partnern zusammen. Unser weltweiter Kundenstamm profitiert von unserem umfassenden, internationalen Service.

Customized Production Solutions

Projektmanagement Konrad Technologies

Project Management

Our project management ensures the highest quality and adherence to the schedule. We monitor the progress of the project, coordinate closely with the customer and deploy experienced staff to identify and follow up on customer needs.

Konrad Technologies Handling Technology

Handling Technology

We offer solutions for material feeders, magazine feeders, tray loaders, packaging and component feeding. Our conveyor technology ensures efficient loading and unloading throughout the entire supply chain.

Konrad Technologies Montage


Our solutions include joining, screwing, welding, greasing, dispensing/gluing, gap filling, cleaning and handling. We integrate robotics and camera-assisted assembly for maximum precision and efficiency.

Konrad Technologies Automation Solution Labeling Station

Product marking

Our solutions include laser marking, label application and marking with technologies such as inkjet and nailer. We offer precise and reliable marking for every requirement.

Konrad Technologies Test Solutions


We offer comprehensive testing solutions such as ICT, FCT, BSCAN and EOL. Our services also include temperature testing, flashing, RF testing, optical testing and radar testing, ensuring precise and reliable quality assurance for your products.

Konrad Technologies Datenhandling

Data Handling & Line Management

Our solutions include traceability, connection to store floor systems and PDA data systems. We offer efficient handling of missing parts and seamless communication with databases for optimum line management.

Konrad Technologies Worldwide Locations

Worldwide Service

We offer multilingual support with global locations and partners. Our worldwide customer base benefits from our comprehensive, international services.

Let's talk about
your project!

Let us know what you're working on and how we can help you get therethrough our long term experience in large high tech projects.

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